Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sarah - 5 Months

Can you believe Sarah is 5 months old!? Time really does fly!

This month has been FANTASTIC! Mainly because Sarah has been sleeping through the night very consistently. She goes to bed at 8pm and sometimes wakes around 6am, but often sleeps till 7 or 8! She's also taking a regular nap at 1pm and mini-naps in the morning around 10am. I'm not particularly fond of "scheduling" a baby, but now that she's on a schedule, I wouldn't have it any other way and she isn't fighting it.At night, when we put her down she sometimes fusses a little bit. When this happens after about 10 minutes of crying, we say she needs the "Daddy Touch" -- which is Ted calming her down and putting her to sleep. For some reason the Daddy Touch works best. Recently she was crying and I told Ted to give her the Daddy Touch but he was caught up looking at something on the computer. I didn't nag him, but a couple minutes later, Sarah fell asleep (on her own) and Ted said, "see, she just needed the Daddy Touch"

Sarah's definitely still loosing her hair, which is sad for us. Ted calls her "baldy" sometimes, rather than "fuzz" (her old nickname). She is great at grabbing and holding toys and rolling over. She's learning to sit up and sometimes I think she'll crawl soon (she has a strong desire to get places -- I can see it in her eyes). She also likes to giggle and talk\coo at us. Sarah also started teething this month. Specifically, last Tuesday! :) She is drooling and biting everything. She likes when we just rub her gums with our fingers or put a cold teething toy in her mouth.


  1. I'm sure someone's told you...but just in case, you should get some of the Hylands teething tablets. They're homeopathic and they work really well with teething.
    Oh, and Sarah still has a lot more hair than Chloe;)

  2. I hadn't heard that. I'll have to check them out! :) Oh, and we cut Sarah's tuft in front... it was getting so scraggly... so she's about the same as Chloe now!
