Monday, May 31, 2010

Sarah - 4 Months

Sarah is now 4 months old. It's been a great month this past month. Lots of growing and development. Sarah is loosing some of the hair she was born with and it's growing in lighter-- more like a light brown. She's moving more in her crib and is able to roll over, although she doesn't do it a lot. She is able to hold on to rattles and understands she is getting it to make the noise. She can hold her head up pretty well, but still gets tired doing it...

Sarah's also getting better and better at sleeping, she's started going down around 8pm and still wakes up for a feedings around 11pm and 4/5am, but sleeps regularly till 7:45am.

We took these pictures on Saturday morning (the 29th) before we drove down to Virginia Beach to visit with some of my college friends. (more on that later!) It's pretty early, so the lighting isn't great, but here are Sarah's 4 month pictures!

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