Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sarah - 7 Months

Sarah is now 7 Months old. She is doing well and really enjoyed our multi-vacation summer. We just got back from my dad's family reunion in San Diego. It was a great time, but we definitely caught a cold that is now a sinus infection and bronchitis for me. Sarah and Ted just have a cold right now.

Sarah is now sitting up very well and is even standing and holding on to things on her own. She still isn't crawling and doesn't have any teeth... but both of those things seem eminent (and have for a while!). She started babbling "ma ma" this month (about a week after "da da") but there is still no evidence she knows what she is saying. She's still going to bed around 8pm and waking about 3:30/4 but I'm hopeful that will stop soon. She's tried lots of solid foods, but she's still not completely getting the hang of it and it's a mess trying to feed her. Here are the pics from her session!

And if there was any doubt as to whether she's her father's child... let me put that to rest now... :)


  1. I'm glad you do these, so you bring the changes on gradually...I would never believe this was the same baby from Month 1!!

    And YES - that first picture is totally mini-Ted. No denyin'!

    (p.s. you need a Name/URL comment option) :)
